Your income is determined by how hot your audience is. Which is why you could be making 5X more than you are right now simply by knowing how to intentionally heat up your audience.

Hot Audience is by far, my most sought-out and in-demand program because of how easy it is to implement and because of the insane results this has brought my clients over the years.

Only a fraction of the people you know who should be buying from you are. You want new people buying from you everyday. Every offer popping off like crazy. New people always coming in. If you are posting everyday but not gaining new followers who turn to paying clients everyday, it's because your content needs a new strategy. The one I show you in Hot Audience.

Hot Audience is going to teach you: 
🔥Exactly what to post on Instagram to attract ideal followers who turn to paying clients quick
🔥How to keep your Instagram reach high so you know your work is always getting seen by the right people who want to hire you
🔥How to grow your IG account full of followers who want to buy
🔥How to create valuable, trending and binge-worthy content that has people drooling over how good it is and wanting to hire you and pay you asap

Hot Audience is the exact content strategy that has allowed me to make 25M+ from content alone.

Intentionally creating + posting content in a way where it builds a hot audience has allowed me to:
👉🏼Scale to 25M+ in a few years
👉🏼Scale mid and low ticket offers to multi 6 figures in recurring income each month
👉🏼Have a business model where I *don’t* have a calendar full of 1-1 calls 
👉🏼Have non stop payments coming in everyday 
👉🏼Have new people finding me & hiring me within minutes 
👉🏼Post any kind of offer and it always sell 

How much your audience is absolutely obsessed with everything you post (because it is speaking directly to them), and how much your content activates your audience to move (because it is positioned in a way where they want to buy asap), determines your income. 

If you want your audience full of people who buy fast, and buy everything, Hot Audience is the course to get.

You will receive instant access to the program upon registration. Registering for Hot Audience means that you will also get all future updates, new modules and new live Q&A sessions. You join once and you get included in the evolution of the program forever!

You Are The Algorithm is *included* with registration to Hot Audience

The algorithm doesn’t determine how much money you make. You do.

You can have the perfect strategy.
You can show up in front of the right people.
You can post the right amount of times.
You can be consistent.

But what is actually going to determine your results is who the f*ck you are. And knowing how to translate that power, that conviction, that audacity, that energy on social media so people can’t help but follow and buy… right away.

You Are The Algorithm is going to show you how you can blow up your income right now, no matter how many followers you currently have, no matter how large your social media presence is, no matter how many people are currently watching your IG Story. I am going to show you how to blow up the Internet & your sales. 

This master-course is for you if:
👉🏼You want your social media to be a money making machine 
👉🏼You want every person in your audience to be a buyer 
👉🏼You want your audience to be obsessed with everything you post 
👉🏼You want to build a social media presence where people love following you, but they love buying from you even more 😏

You will get *instant access* to You Are The Algorithm upon registration to Hot Audience.

For all programs and masterminds, if you are paying through a payment plan, you are responsible for completing each payment regardless if you leave the program or do not complete it in the time-frame provided. There are no refunds.

Stephanie Anne Hughson Inc. does not and cannot provide any guarantees regarding results or earnings associated with our information, courses, programs, masterminds, mastercourses, coaching, plans, tools, or strategies.

By using our services, you acknowledge and agree that no individual or aspect of Stephanie Anne Hughson Inc. has made any implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations, or guarantees of any kind regarding future results or earnings. This includes any assurances that you will earn any money in connection with your purchase of Stephanie Anne Hughson Inc. programs, trainings, masterclasses, mastercourses, or coaching. Furthermore, we have not granted authorization for anyone else to make such implications, promises, or representations on our behalf. It is essential to note that there are no guarantees of specific results or future earnings.