The kind of mentor you are determines the level of clients you attract and how long they stay in your world. High level clients are looking for a mentor who is grounded, strong, and unwavering. A mentor who handles themselves with grace, emotional intelligence, and leaves their own stuff at the door.

They want a mentor who can hold their power, their success and their desires simultaneously. Somebody who sets boundaries, has high standards, and can lead powerfully no matter what goes on in a container. 

All without:
- Being triggered
- Projecting their own stuff
- Getting jealous of them
- Being intimidated 
- Becoming reactive and therefore not truly supportive 

Becoming the mentor your clients will effortlessly pay-in-full for immediately, and keep paying, is not just about the information and coaching you give them. It’s about how you hold yourself as a mentor in the container. It’s about your ability to hold space for their massive expansion while you’re in the middle of an income dip. It’s about how you hold their best day, while you’re navigating a nightmare behind the scenes. It’s about how you lead them, no matter what is going on for them - when they are triggered, reactive, or projecting. How you call them forward to be better leaders by your example. How you knock them off their feet with your maturity. How you are able to make them feel like your only client when you have hundreds. It is about being able to lead them from a neutral space, not a reactive one. 

KARMA teaches you exactly how to be this mentor.

At this level, you know coaching and mentorship is not *just* about signing a client and then taking them through your process. It’s about navigating what a client projects onto you. It’s about navigating when they default, when they keep crossing boundaries, when they leave the container early. It’s about knowing how to have the most incredible relationships with your clients while still holding the professionalism of the space. It’s about not letting a few out-of-integrity clients make you stop believing massively in other people or stop you from wearing your heart on your sleeve in your coaching business.

You know you are a match for higher level clients and more money but it’s not happening the way you want it to be. 

You are so dialled in with your own leadership. You make big moves in alignment with who you are becoming. You follow through with commitments. You invest in yourself effortlessly. You’re an incredible client yourself.

You’re saying exactly what you need to say in content. Your offers are insane. You’re doing all the things. 

- You’re not attracting clients who have the same leadership level 
- You’ve outgrown your clients & audience and it’s frustrating you
- You wish more people were moving big the way you move big
- People come into your world and then want to break their commitment within a few months
- Most people are only buying your low ticket offers and aren’t buying the high end things you want to fill effortlessly 
- People invest in you from a place of fear and then put pressure on you to get them results 

You’re wondering why this is still happening. At your level you should be attracting a much higher caliber client, being effortlessly paid way more for your work, having much “higher level” conversations in your containers, and not worrying about clients leaving.

And you’re right. You should be ;) 

You want: 
- Clients who see the value of you and your work instantly and are happy to pay your high rates 
- Clients who are fully in their power and self-led
- Clients who are mature, keep commitments and have self-responsibility 
- Clients who are a dream to work with and keep continuing with you long-term, no questions asked

KARMA is where this happens.

KARMA is for you if:
- You want to know exactly how to communicate the power of your work so you attract high level & high paying clients effortlessly
- You want to attract clients who hold commitments, follow through with their payments are in integrity with the work
- You want to lead high level coaching spaces that are drama free 
- You want to be able to charge at least 2x more for your work and effortlessly have clients buy, no questions asked

KARMA is for you if you’re ready to be paid and massively respected like the high level mentor that you are.

Upon registration you will get instant access to the trainings. The entire program is lifetime access.
Stephanie Anne Hughson Inc. does not and cannot provide any guarantees regarding results or earnings associated with our information, courses, programs, masterminds, mastercourses, coaching, plans, tools, or strategies.

By using our services, you acknowledge and agree that no individual or aspect of Stephanie Anne Hughson Inc. has made any implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations, or guarantees of any kind regarding future results or earnings. This includes any assurances that you will earn any money in connection with your purchase of Stephanie Anne Hughson Inc. programs, trainings, masterclasses, mastercourses, or coaching. Furthermore, we have not granted authorization for anyone else to make such implications, promises, or representations on our behalf. It is essential to note that there are no guarantees of specific results or future earnings.

For all programs and masterminds, if you are paying through a payment plan, you are responsible for completing each payment regardless if you leave the program or do not complete it in the time-frame provided. There are no refunds.